“Cindy Lurie weaves her enchanting imageries and language from first poem to last. Her style of stanza poetry along with Haiku poetry, gives the reader a look at her extensive command of alliteration and syntax that works perfectly within the depth of each poem, whether it’s about human nature, or the seemingly mundane, she gave me a rare view on how everything we come into contact with deserves appreciation. This is a most inviting read that I didn’t want to end.”
~ Elizabeth Szewczyk, Fragments of Survival
Buried Feet
“Cindy Lurie’s writing evokes a deep sense of serenity and profundity. Each line is expressed with care, bringing the spirit into a great expanse of consciousness. From beginning to end, the journey is melodious, soul-searching and insightful. It is a joy to behold such sensitivity and awareness of the whole of the human experience.”
~ Mark Singleton, composer and conductor of Voce
“Cindy Lurie has captured the essence of daily observations with her haunting images, whether in verse or the ancient art of Haiku, poems are shaped and formed, creating reality in the mind’s eye, allowing one to rediscover the beauty and pain that surround our daily lives.”
~ Tom Lyons, Luna Moth